Complaints, Grievance & Appeals

Oz Skills has a Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure ensuring that all student grievances are considered confidentially with expediency and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

Complaint and grievance

Students are encouraged to make all grievances, complaints or appeals known to management through the Complaints and Appeals form or at minimum in writing through any communication means (ie. email, text etc). Students may complete a Complaints and Appeals form and lodge it with Lynsey Gwozdz, Director, via email address  or Michelle Rogers, CEO, via email address: An Oz Skills Careers College representative will then make contact with you and organise a discussion to thoroughly understand your concerns.

Oz Skills will attempt to resolve the matter and provide a verbal response to you within 5 working days from when the complaint was received.

The second level of the procedure is a formal one on one and occurs when a complaint cannot be resolved using an informal approach. When a stakeholder or student approaches a staff member, Director or CEO to make a formal complaint the staff member, Director or CEO is first required to assist them to resolve the complaint via the informal process described above. Where a staff member or CEO has received the complaint, this will be referred to the Director within 2 working days of receiving the written complaint. The Director will, within 5 working days of receiving the complaint, send an acknowledgement letter to the complainant explaining what is being done to investigate and resolve their complaint. The complainant will be provided with progress reports on the matter via the Director.

The complainant will normally be provided with a written response within 28 working days of receipt of the formalised written complaint. If this time frame cannot be met, the complainant will be informed of the reasons why and of the alternative time frame for resolution. Oz Skills Careers College commits to finalising all complaints within 60 calendar days from original complaint being received.

Assessment appeals

A student may also appeal a decision made by Oz Skills Careers College in regards to an assessment outcome. Where a student feels they have been unfairly judged and assessed on a specified task, project or assessment they may have the assessment reviewed by submitting an Assessment Appeals Application Form. An appeal must be lodged within 28 days of the trainer decision being provided to the student. Otherwise the trainer decisions will be deemed acceptable to all parties.

 Right of appeal

If the complainant is not satisfied with the handling of their complaint by Oz Skills Careers College, or there are extenuating circumstances that preclude the complainant from lodging their complaint directly with OZ Skills, they may lodge their complaint with the registering body for Training Organisations, Australian Skills Quality Authority: